On Apr 30, 2007, at 10:04 AM, CK wrote:


In random order:
more white-space (everything is like squished together).
as Paul mentioned: why the pointer over the dt/headings ?

the letter-spacing on the dd is annoying. It is a bad idea to letter- space body text - font-designers do know their stuff, you know. Might work well on your machine, with your fonts/font-size. On my browser (Gecko trunk, OS X 10.4.9), with my font-size, I see all characters drifting apart.

combining fixed width on a container and then setting a max-width in em inside (your dd) is problematic.

use sans-serif fonts for headings and serif fonts for body text (like the dd, again) will create some more visual structure.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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