Hi there Kepler

Thank you!
I believe it¹s OK now.

I would really like to ask you how you know all this ­ how you keep it in
your head?!! Do you have pages and pages of stuff like this written down, or

For example: about making nav buttons clickable in IE7: why does the
container div need to be Œposition: relative² for IE7? And what if there
wasn¹t a container div? Would that make it not work at all?!

I really need to get a handle on how to keep all these things Œknown¹ to me!
I¹ve got a quite good book ­ The CSS Anthology, by Rachel Andrews. But it¹s
pre-IE7 ... 

Any thoughts, suggestions would be great!

Thanks again ... :)

- susie

On 15/5/07 6:37 AM, "Kepler Gelotte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Susan,
> To make the navigation buttons clickable in IE7 you need to define the
> container as position: relative:
> #container {
>             position: relative;
> }
> Also the pseudo links should be defined for :link and :visited if you define
> It for :hover. Try using these for the navigation definitions:
> #leftNav a:link, #leftNav a:visited {   /* instead of #leftNav a */
> #level2nav  a:link, #level2nav a:visited   {    /* instead of #level2nav li a
> */
> Regards,
> Kepler
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