Personally I think that form elements lend themselves to practically all the semantic meaning you need. Labels and input elements are either implicity or explicity linked (ie either <label>labelname<input .../></label> or <label for="myinput"></label><input id="myinput".../>), and then you have fieldsets as the basic method for containing groups of form elements.

I never use tables or lists (definition or otherwise) for form elements as their structure is typically far more complex than a basic list would account for without lists of lists (which gets a little silly), and i prefer to use semantic-neutral elements such as <div> and <span> eg.

   <div class="surround">
      <label  ...>text</label><input ..../>
   <div class="surround">
<label ...>text</label><input ..../><span>addition text, errors etc</span>

Ive never found a situation where this kind of structure has ever let me down using any kind of layout (text above, beside etc) with the help of "float-fixing" styles etc, and its infinitely more flexible than a table (i cant begin to describe how many table-based forms ive had to convert simply because someone wanted an additional info column to look like it covered 2 or more input areas (help text etc)).



Benedict Wyss wrote:
Hi all,

I am having a discussion with colleagues here at work (won't mention our site as it stinks) about the best way forward for form layouts.

I have one person saying he will continue to use tables till otherwise informed.

I have another who uses none of the above, which you can imaging is not that good to look at with everything butting up against each other. His other suggestion was to add &nbsp's to move things about.........

I like to use the definition list with Labels.

Now I know the dl I am using is not being used exactly as it was originally used (good point), but I say it is 100 times better than tables.

Can I get a WSG response on the best format to layout a form.



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