On 2007/05/25 15:24 (GMT+0930) Katrina apparently typed:

> Sagnik Dey wrote:

>>  I'm developing a website that have some standards defined. The font size
>> specified is 9pt. But due to accessibility standards I wanted to  convert
>> that in % or em. Can anybody tell what do i need to use to view the same
>> size in different browsers?

> I think you should respect your users' default. Make sure the design 
> scales properly when text size is increased, beyond what MIE allows you 
> to do.

> It is so cliche, but the web is not print. You cannot and should not 
> insist that people see things at the font-size you decree.

To go further, the "size you decree" is only the size you decree sitting in
your chair looking at your screen. You don't know whether that size is
bigger or smaller or the same to your visitor, who may:

1-have a different size display
2-have a different resolution setting
3-sit a different distance from the display than you
4-have better (uncommon) or worse (very common) eyesight than you the designer
5-have other local conditions different from yours that affect suitability
of any particular size

While 9pt always means 9pt when printed, 9pt on a computer screen could mean
anything from 15pt on down below to below 6pt on a computer screen. When a
web author specifies 9pt for screen, I see text that is roughly 41% of the
size I find suitable for my screen use, if I'm not using a browser than
enforces a legible size of my choosing.

> What you can do is set relative sizes for various types of text.

Exactly. Set font-size in body to 100%, then set some smaller size for your
footer, some other smaller size for breadcrumbs, some larger sizes for
various headings, etc., but keep main content text at 100% of the size the
user has selected. See:
"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining
ever brighter till the full light of day."      Proverbs 4:18 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/

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