On May 26, 2007, at 11:16 AM, Paul Novitski wrote:

Do you mean no elegant way to scale them in a user stylesheet or no elegant way to scale them in real time, e.g. with a mouse wheel?
I have my minimum font-size set to 12px [1] (Gecko browser), or sometimes 14px (when I'm tired, and really p*** by mouse type and the need to zoom in way to often) * No elegant way to scale the whole thing correctly in a user stylesheet, short of rewriting the whole author stylesheet [2]: with the 62.5% 'trick', the base for all computation will be 12px in my case. Say I reset the font-size to 16px for a particular site (using @-moz-document), all scaling in that author style-sheet will be oversized, as I thing Christian explained). * No nice way to zoom out in real time, due to the clash between minimum font-size and the author specified miniscule base.

[1] that is my minimum font-size, below which I cannot read text. It is _not_ my preferred font-size. [2] user stylesheets are already a pain for the average user, image if they have to rewrite the author stylesheet completely... (even for me it would be serious nuisance - and I have a 3000 lines long user stylesheet)

While in theory, I, as a user, should like that method of setting font-size - combined with my minimum font-size is should guarantee readable text, in practice it is a pain: many more sites break (even some where e.g width is set to ems or the like), or quickly become way to wide for my preferred window width.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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