Stuart Foulstone wrote:

Assistive technology off topic?

Barney Carroll wrote:

It's worth making the point: Don't get intimidated by this - JAWS is a perfectly legitimate thing to discuss here.

When it's used to access Photoshop - which in my experience doesn't have a whole lot to do with Web Standards - yes, it's OT.

Just to fill in a small blank for those who don't know: Marvin, who asked the original question, is blind, so the use of JAWS is immensely more relevant to him than it is to we sighted members. But the simple fact remains, that while I hope that Marvin can get the help and advice he needs, this ain't the place to ask.

Barney Carroll also wrote:

But I digress: Let's see how popular we can make this thread. A web standards list about grammar, oblique self-references and wilful misunderstanding, that's what we could all do with. Hehehe.

You guys crack me up. Anyone like to hear what I did on my holidays?

omnivision. websight.

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