
You may find the following dotmobi tools helpful:

Free online mobile-readiness report,

Free online mobile emulator,

The W3C tests that these are based on is here:

On Thu, May 31, 2007 6:50 am, Katrina wrote:
> Gday,
> What mark-up is best used for mobile devices? And why?
> W3C standards (HTML4 or XHTML 1.0) or other (XHTML-Basic, XHTML-MP, WML,
> HDML) ?
> Do the 'other' count as standards?
> Can mobile devices process CSS 2.1 or less when served as
> media="handheld"? (I am coming across some references to a specialised
> CSS for mobiles, which suggest that they can't process standard CSS).
> Do mobile devices that handle XHTML need a particular mime type (eg.
> text/html, text/xml, application/xhtml + xml, application/xml ?
> NB. I am very tempted to side with the W3C XHTML 1.0 Strict and serve
> that up to everybody regardless of type of device (although admitting to
> device dependence within the CSS using mediatypes). But, in so doing, do
> I then snub a large percentage of mobile devices?
> If mime type is important for mobile devices and it is different from
> text/html, does content negotiation assist in solving this problem?
> Any or all answers are appreciated :)
> Thanks,
> Kat
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Stuart Foulstone.
BigEasy Web Design
69 Flockton Court
Rockingham Street
S1 4EB

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