I'm guessing you are using a liquid layout yeah??

If so then I'd look into implemeting some sort of maxWidth on your page so that 
things don't spread out so far on high resolution displays. Surprising enough 
there are problems doing this in IE due to its lack of proper support for the 
maxWidth property but there are ways around this - check out google and there 
is loads of good stuff out there.

If you want a quick fix you could also consider setting a fixed width for your 
site, its less elastic but it would be quick.....

----- Original Message ----
From: Lyn Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Sent: Friday, 1 June, 2007 10:03:02 AM
Subject: [WSG] Screen resolution issue

I design sites in 1024-768 and make sure they look good  at 800x600x.
Have just done a design for a client who is using a screen resolution of
1280x1024 and the site looks awful - it stops halfway down the page and
everything looks so spread out.   I must say I have never had this
problem before and not sure how to resolve it.  The client is not happy
so I have to fix this quickly.  Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Lyn Patterson


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