> On Behalf Of Paul Collins
> I have a script that adds colours to a all the columns in  a table. It
> works fine, the only problem is, it is trying to apply the code to all
> pages, when the table is only on a couple. So when I am viewing all
> other pages, it comes up with this error:
> document.getElementById(tableID) has no properties
> So, what I would like to do, is add a checker to the script to see if
> the table actually exists before doing the rest of the code.
> Unfortunately, I am a novice to this and I've been stuffing around for
> a while and can't get it to work.
> Here is the teh script, it is worth mentioning that this is the only
> table on the site, so that may help with the re-working of the code,
> although it would be nice to have a checker that looks for the
> specific table id.
> Thanks in advance:
> // script to add alternating table background colours
> var
> colors=["#E5D9DB","#C5D3D8","#DBCBBE","#E9DBC7","#D4E0E0","#C5CEC7"];
>       function alternateRows(tableID,numberOfColors,colorArray){

>               var
> trs=document.getElementById(tableID).getElementsByTagName("TD");
>               len=trs.length;
>               var myColors=colorArray.slice(0,numberOfColors);
>               while(len--){
>       trs[len].style.backgroundColor=colors[len%myColors.length];
>                       }
>               }
> // add onload event
> addLoadEvent(function() {
>       alternateRows("caseStudiesTable",6,colors);
>       }
> );

Try this:

addLoadEvent(function() {

Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com

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