Good Day All.

This is not really a 'How To' post, but instead, id like to know your views
on possible ways of marking up
the images with links under each image, example : (A rough mock-up sent to
me by the client)

Usually i would do either:

 <dt><a href="" title=""><img src="" alt=""></a></dt>
 <dd><a href="" title="">View</a></dd>
 <dd><a href="" title="">Buy</a></dd>

A <ul> would seem like a mess when adding the View and Buy links. But the
thing that worries me is that this does not
show good use of a Def. List because the image isn't exactly a Def. Term and
the View and Buy arn't exactly Def. Descriptions are they?

I could also think of other ways to do the same thing, by placing a <span>
inside a <li> and using the <span> as a container for the image
and the links but again, it gets a bit messy, messy mark-up is the last
thing i want.

Any thoughts on the matter greatly appreciated.

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