I am not an expert but from what I understand text, links etc need to be
held in block elements ie: <p> etc for it to semanticly correct.
Guessing this is were POSH comes into play.

>From a semantic point of view, I think the question is:
when an string of text should deserve to be considered a paragraph (and so, deserve to be a block element)?
And... if it's not a paragraph... what is is, semantically speaking?.

When I write HTML, I think a paragraph as I think it in writing prose: an considerable (in terms of quantity, but how many?) string of words of one or more sentences. And when writing HTML and need to add a very short text (that is, usually, a link), I don't really think or feel like it deserves to be a paragraph.
This may be a matter of taste.

Another example, this is common:

   <li>Item 1</li>
   <li>Item 2</li>

But why don't we mark it up as this?

   <li><p>Item 1</p></li>
   <li><p>Item 2</p></li>

(it's valid to have block elements like divs, paragraphs or headings inside a <li>, and it makes sense two)

When we look at an HTML document with browser default styles, we can see that paragraphs, headings or almost any other element have some visual formatting that adds semantics to the element. Or at least, visual formatting that aid us to give some "semantic function" to an string of text ("this is bold and big, so I can conclude this probably is a heading; this is normal string of text, so this is probably a paragraph; this is blue and underlined, this is a link").

So, if there is no visual formatting at all, how can we differentiate an string of text as heading or as paragraph?

As I write this, I'm thinking if something like the "Reset Reloaded" by Eric Meyer [1] are "harming" some of the visual formatting conventions we have to understand the semantics of a document. There, Eric Meyer removes every (or almost every) default browser style, and so any document looks like a big chunk of text . Why?
In Eric words:

   I want all this because I don't want to take style effects for
   granted. This serves two purposes. First, it makes me think just
   that little bit harder about the semantics of my document. With the
   reset in place, I don't pick strong because the design calls for
   boldfacing. Instead, I pick the right element---whether it's strong
   or em or b or h3 or whatever---and then style it as needed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 27/07/2007 11:18:45 am >>>

What if the extra space a paragraph
would give is not wanted?  Maybe I didn't study this thread well
You can remove the extra-space through the CSS (by removing margins/padding and maybe converting in to an inline element by using display: inline).

[1] http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2007/05/01/reset-reloaded/

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