Ryan Moore wrote:
I'm looking for a Stylesheet Switcher Script that users can use to dynamically change text sizes on the fly. Our text size is already quite legible and sized in em's for easy resizing, but i've been told by the powers that be that we also need a style sheet switcher.
Anyone know where i can find a nice script for this?


You don't necessarily need a style sheet switcher for that. If its the global font-size you're changing just some javascript to edit the css property and a cookie to store the user preference as they navigate between pages would be sufficient.

I'm in the jquery camp when it comes to creating simple js effects like this. Are you comfortable with writing javascript at all? If not there's a a plugin I saw a while ago that might be of interest.


Ironically though the page has a js popup ad the first time you go to it... the plugin seems to be alright though.


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