Hi Bas,

Bas V wrote:
So far no problem... however, in Firefox, Internet Explore etc, the y-scroll bar shows on PC and Mac but in Safari it doesn't show the box's scroll bar, why????

The issue is that Safari 2 doesn't support the CSS3 property 'overflow-y'/'overflow-x', instead only supporting the regular 'overflow'.

Your best bet, then, is to set 'overflow: scroll' first, then 'overflow-x: hidden' next, so that browsers that do support it can remove the horizontal scrollbar.

Another alternative is to wrap the #photos div with another div. Set the outer div to have 'overflow: auto', and set the internal div to have a strict width, an auto height and overflow: hidden. The outside div will get the scrollbars when they're needed, and the strict width on the inside div will stop it from triggering horizontal scrollbars.


Kit Grose

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