Taking a slightly different approach, any bot visiting your site knows
your domain name so at that point they don't need to find any addresses
to send to or from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Also, they'll likely assume that
things like [EMAIL PROTECTED] exist without you ever publishing an address
so obviously what we are trying to protect here are bots discovering
actual mailbox addresses.

Therefore, never use actual email addresses and only ever one or 2
generic addresses on a website. Use something like <a
href='mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'>email us</a> and if it starts to
get spammed, change it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and bounce [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you then needed a few different addresses on a site that appeared
across multiple pages, you could have a central config file on the
server that mapped addresses like:

marketing = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

then when one of these starts getting spam, change it.

It's only good for mailto links though and doesn't solve the problem of
publishing an address for people to save to their address books. It also
means when you click a mailto link the address in the message may look
strange to the user. I guess the other thing is if a user saves the
address and reuses it later it may bounce.

Anyway, just an idea to try and tackle the issue differently.

Chris Knowles

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