Usability - Poor

One off the reasons is viewing your web gallery annoyed me. I had to
click through 3 pages to view the gallery and each time the flash too
a while to load.

- There is to much flash on the site that does not need to be there.

- Colors are poor

I could point out alo of things but everyone else has said what i was
going to say.

The site really needs to reflect on what it is you do, and if i was a
potential client i would not be influenced to purchase your services
based on your website.


On Nov 17, 2007 7:35 AM, John Hancock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I fear for their welfare.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > ~dL
> >
> > --
> >
> Me too. Personally I like seeing <h1> tags have only text content in
> them, and to at least have text content in them. Hey, are we in a
> timewarp? I have an issue that a lot of the content is inaccurate (eg.
> Ajax isn't a programming language) and lots of the rest is hard to
> use, or feels unfinished, from the Web button that when clicked, does
> nothing but float and return, via the 'web gallery wheel of doom' to
> the Work links' flash of unstyled content (FOUC) which is very
> avoidable.
> Kenny, you've got some fairly big issues with the site. I suggest
> reading a good book, maybe something like 'Designing with Web
> Standards', or alternatively 'Foucault's Pendulum'.
> If you want I can guide you through fixing some of the more obvious
> ones off-list, stuff like the empty (and useless) <span></span>s in
> the nav. Although XHTML 1.1 valid, a cursory glance at webxact would
> show your site fails some of the basic accessibility standards and
> quality checks.
> John
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