Hi James
I guess removing position:relative for #content will help.

Another option is to set position:relative for your floats. May be you
will need to play a bit with z-index after that.

it would be great if you could upload this code to the internet for us
to see the problem.


On 11/17/07, Likely, James A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on some new templates and am having a hard time figuring out
> what is going on. I all browsers it works as it should but in IE6 it is not.
> From the look sof it, the background image is going over top of the floating
> divs.
>  If I take out the background from:
>  #content {
>          margin: 0;
>          padding: 0 20px 0 20px;
>          position: relative;
>          background: url(../images/back-content.gif);
>  }
>  It will work fine. I have never seen where a background image goes over top
> of the text.
>  Any one have any suggestions on how to fix this?
>  Thanks
>  James
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С уважением,
Юрий "akella" Артюх

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