Simon Cockayne wrote:
> This is *not* a presentation/layout issue.

from this i gather you mean it doesn't matter how it appears on screen
to the person viewing it - in other words it doesn't matter whether it
visually has any indent or not. In which case you can ignore pre, nbsp,
css as they are all to do with presentation/layout

> I have a field that contains leading blanks (space) characters that the
> user tells me has semantic meaning that they wish to preserve.

as its not a presentation issue then presumably it must be a
programmatic one whereby the HTML hasn't reached it's end use when it
gets displayed in the browser. From there I assume it will be further
accessed via the DOM or by scraping or something, where the amount of
whitespace at the beginning of the content gives meaning to it?

If all the above is correct, then I don't see why you need to do
anything other than generate the HTML with the right amount of space in
it like:

<td>    content</td>

the browser will only display one of the spaces in the above but they
will still remain in the source - they won't be stripped out at any stage

or have I misunderstood your question?

Chris Knowles

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