Hi Naveen

Options are, as discussed, fieldsets and labels to assist with positioning.

There is nothing "illegal" about using form elements in a table - some see it 
as the widget labels being in the "th" and the actual widgets being in 
the "td". For a quick, single fieldset form, it's a useful layout especially 
if time is of the essence. You could see it as a one row table but with two 
columns, if that makes sense.

Does have some major drawbacks in that you can't easily relayout the form for 
other uses using CSS. E.g in some instances I've used the same form markup 
and presented in different ways using CSS. Definition lists really help out 

1. Fieldsets, legends, labels and associated form widgets. If you want to take 
the legends out for whatever reason, then do <legend><span>my 
legend</span></legend> and use "legend span {position : absolute; 
left : -9000px;}" or similar in CSS.
Use fieldsets as block level elements to position them within the form.

2. As #1 but use a definition list inside each fieldset. Form labels go in the 
dt, widgets in the dd. You can float the dt and dd to get a presentation 
similar to your classic '97 grid layout with the added flexibility of being 
able to re - layout it in another way.
You would need to use the "for" attribute to link labels with widgets as you 
cannot, of course, wrap the widgets in the <label>

I've used DL's quite a bit and it works well especially when the client is apt 
to change their mind and they want the form labels above the widgets instead 
of to the left. You can just turn off the dt/dd float in that case.

If you have buttons at the bottom of a form, use a fieldset to contain those 
and set its clear to "both" to clear any floated elements above.


On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:01:26 pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi ,
> Could anyone tell me which is the best way to build a form without
> tables in w3c standards.
>  I would really appreciate if you can provide a good referral link. J
> Thanks a ton in advance..
> Thanking you
> Naveen Bhaskar

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