On Sun, 24 Feb 2008, Michael Horowitz wrote:

> For some reason my text field http://terrorfreeamerica.us/christians.html
> insists on putting the cursor in the middle of the field.

You need your text field like this:
<textarea name="comments" rows="6" cols="40"></textarea>

Also you have a missing "=" in <label for="submit">

If you want your form to be accessible you will need your <label 
for="xxxx"> to be identical to your <input name ="xxxx" id="xxxx"........>

Neither of these two examples from your form are accessible. 

<label for ="Zip">Zip:</label>
<input name ="zip" id = "zip" type="text"/>

<label for ="christian organization">Christian Organization:</label>
<input name ="christian" id = "christian" type="text"/>

The best way to check if you have it right is to click on the field name 
the cursor should start blinking in the input field.

Regards,              | Lions District 201 Q3
Rob Unsworth          | IT & Internet Chairman
Ipswich, Australia    | http://www.lionsq3.asn.au

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