There are actually two types or "flavors" of Site Maps. The first is the type 
that is loaded up to your Web  server and that is used by Search Engines to 
spider           your pages thereby playing a significant role in Page 
rankings. These Site Maps are constructed and formatted according  to strict 
protocols. The Site Map protocol specified by Google:   
is the classic model.

The second type of Site Map is the one that you load onto your Home page and 
that plays such a prominent role in insuring Web Accessibilty (W3C          
WCA). There is no precise protocol for this type although traditionally such 
Site Maps consist of a Hierarchal list of links to all pages of the site. In 
some cases, depending on the format selected, you can use your Search Engine 
submittal Site Map on your Home page.

Pickering Pages - XHTML+RDFa (application/xhtml+xml) ~ XHTML 1.0 text/html)
Served via content negotiation according to Browser capability

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