
I believe the solution Mike came up with to be a sound one.  However maybe
you should step back and think why this should be a  web page at all.  You
are facing the great problem of trying to make the screen look like print.
Something which drives most of us up the wall at some point.

The document could be made available for download as a PDF and also RTF (for
accessibility purposes).   It is unlikely that your client want to have the
content spidered for search engine purposes.  It also makes the site more
maintainable.  A change to the document doesn't need to have skilled HTML
work carried out on the site. remember you've also got the print style
sheets to contend with.

This approach also means that the document will always appear the way they
intend, irrespective of screen width etc.

just my two penny worth..


- Rob

Raising web standards  : http://ele.vation.co.uk
Linking in with others    : http://linkedin.com/in/robkirton

On 21/03/2008, Elizabeth Spiegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm developing a site for a non-profit organisation and one page is their
> constitution. I'm trying to get the clauses to appear with a hanging
> indent
> as they currently do in the word version:
> http://www.dra.org.au/files/QTI5QDJCKU/DRA-Constitution-Amended-10Feb07%20(6
> 7%20KB).doc.  I thought I'd achieved it using a float - see
> www.spiegelweb.com.au/test/dra/constitution_float.html - then looked at it
> in IE 6 and started tearing my hair out.
> I then tried a different approach using white-space: pre;
> www.spiegelweb.com.au/test/dra/constitution.html. I don't like this as it
> relies on multiple spaces and I suspect that it will stop lining up as
> soon
> as fonts other than the default are used.
> Suggestions anyone?  (Note that I can't change the numbering scheme.)
> Elizabeth Spiegel
> Web editing
> 0409 986 158
> GPO Box 729, Hobart TAS 7001
> www.spiegelweb.com.au
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