I do the exact same thing (clicking on underlined text which isn't a link) but it does make it very complicated to create access keys for forms because <u> was used to show which letter was the access key. Messing around with endless spans will discourage them. I'm really sorry there is no alternative as there is with <b> and <i>.

Does anyone know an alternative to <xmp>? I know you can use entitiy codes but this one saved the trouble and is now depreciated. Perhaps they could bring those two back.


Joseph Ortenzi wrote:
Very good points

<b> and <i> are stylistic and <em> and <strong> are semantic.
<u> is stylistic, but the intention of an underlined string of text can be expressed with any of the above, dependent on intention.

I am one of those severely frustrated people who want to click underlined text so keep it out please...

I like underline on hover as useful feedback that it is in fact, a link. Predefined standard colours are less important these days, but good design does seem to favour blue-ish for link as a convention.


On Mar 27, 2008, at 09:14, Stuart Foulstone wrote:


Users expect link-text to be underlined.  Many user studies found that
when you underline other text users try to click on it and get quite
annoyed when nothing happens (some users would click on the underlined
text several times before they gave up).

Originally links were to have predefined colours that would have avoided
this situation, but Web Designers thought better and decided to start
styling their link colours as they thought fit. Even though this styling often does not include underlining, users still expect underlined text to mean links. This led to the confusion, so something had to give - it was

<b> and <i> are not deprecated because there may be times when you want to style the text in that way but without the semantic emphasis that <em> and
<strong> confer.

On Thu, March 27, 2008 4:28 am, Kepler Gelotte wrote:

I am just curious if anyone can explain why the <u> tag has been
while <b> and <i> are still allowed.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Kepler Gelotte
Neighbor Webmaster, Inc.
156 Normandy Dr., Piscataway, NJ 08854
phone/fax: (732) 302-0904

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