> So this is one of those famed IE 6 bugs that is hopefully going away
> soon.  Two issue sidebar shows up on top and not on the side and some of
> the fields have a yellow background (less important issue)

Without looking in detail, when a column drops in IE6 there are normally 2
common reasons.

1. The most common cause is setting a margin on one of the floated columns
that triggers a double margin float bug. In your case this does not seem to
be the issue.

2. The next common cause is to do with content that is too wide for the
parent container.

You have two columns (#colLeft or #colRight) inside a parent container
(#container). There is a possibility that some element inside one of the two
columns (#colLeft or #colRight) is wider than the column itself.

In most browsers this will not be an issue. The width of the columns
(#colLeft or #colRight) will be honoured  -regardless of the width of
content inside. 

However, IE6 will honour the width of content inside the columns (#colLeft
or #colRight) rather than the width assigned to the columns. This means that
the column may appear wider in IE than other browsers.

This has a spill-over effect...  If the two columns (#colLeft or #colRight)
have defined widths (240px and 530px), and they sit inside a parent
(#container) that also has a defined width (770px) then the two columns may
not fit if IE has determined that one of these two columns is wider. So, IE6
will allow the second column (#colRight) to drop below the first column

You can quickly test this by commenting out the content inside the columns
(I'd start with content inside #colRight where all the action is) and see if
the layout suddenly works again. If this happens, you will know the culprit
and can deal with it - by assigning a specific width or using one of the
more nasty work-arounds:

The yellow background in form elements may be a case of " Mystical Yellow
Form Fields"


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