From: "Lynette Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] IE6 width issue

Thanks Al

You need min-width in addition to, or instead of, max-width. IE7 will be fine, along with other modern browsers.

For IE6 you need to use a script or a CSS expression to set min-width. You can google "ie6 min-width css expression". You should get lots of hits. If not, reply back and I'll give you one.
I have indeed already looked at using expressions and found it all a bit confusing so I resorted to not using max-width and substituting width: 100%; it seems to be OK now. Thanks for the offer, though. Re the #nav breaking, is there any way around this? I must confess I don't really worry about 640x480 anymore.

If it doesn't concern you than you are right to ignore it :-)


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