On Sun, 04 May 2008 12:36:55 +1000, IceKat wrote:
> I have a list menu which is supposed to be horizontal and centered. Not a 
> problem
> right? Wrong. There are three problems.
> 1. IE7 doesn't use display: inline very well when text is enlarged or made 
> smaller.
> (just try it and see the mess it creates) 2. The width cannnot be set because 
> the
> number of items changes on a regular basis without warning.
> 3. Float combined with margin: 0 auto doesn't work because the width of the 
> ul is
> always 100% and can't be set smaller because of the reason given above.
> This is creating a huge problem because I can't center lists without setting 
> a width.
> Is there a way of getting around this in IE7? Is there a javascript or PHP 
> script which
> can detect the width of something so I can put that in to the css? Or just 
> fix the
> problem?
The CSS-discuss Wiki has some ideas[1]. Scroll down to the section
"When you don't know the width".

[1] <http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=CenteringBlockElement>


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