On Tue, 13 May 2008 22:11:29 -0400, Mike at Green-Beast.com wrote:
> Hi Chris,
>> bandwidth. However standards are still a concern, what perils of  wisdom for 
>> using a
>> "full-page" BG can the list cultivate?
> Hard on those with a slow connection, but I cannot foresee another issue 
> unless the
> background is a big animated GIF ;-)
> You can offer a removal tool for those users easily enough. I do that on my 
> hosting
> company's site [1] [...]
> This particular changer uses PHP and a cookie to manage the option. It places 
> the new
> styles in the head with a single property: background-image : none; applied 
> to the
> various elements. The link to it is on the sidebar under "Page Tools" -- the 
> link says
> Remove Backgrounds.
> [1] http://gbhxonline.com

Nice solution, Mike.

Now wouldn't the Web be a kinder, gentler place, if all web sites were
designed so thoughtfully?

I notice the BBC has two links at the top of each page:
"Low graphics" and "Accessibility help."


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