tee wrote:

On Jun 4, 2008, at 2:07 AM, Robert O'Rourke wrote:
 So you could have:


<div class="vcard">
  <div class="n">{{var firstname}} {{var lastname}}</div>
  {{depend company}}<div class="org">{{var company}}</div>{{/depend}}
  <div class="adr">
      <span class="street-address">
          {{var street1}}
          {{depend street2}}{{var street2}}<br />{{/depend}}



Rob, thank you so much!

It still wrapped inside the <address> tag, I afraid it may throw the site into hundred lines of errors if I remove the address tag altogether in many of the php and phtml files. Guess I just have to live with it.


No problem, I don't think there will any problems with removing the <address> tags but it depends on whether or not you have the time to go through the templates and test it out. I'm doing the same thing myself at the moment inbetween other projects so hopefully they'll consider changing the markup with a future release.


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