> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 3:30 AM
> To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> Subject: RE: [WSG] Correct markup of fieldset
> To my mind, one of the most pressing questions that needs to be answered
> in any particular case is: "How is the fieldset labelled?"
> If it specifically says something like 'postcode' or maybe 'contact
> details', and is one of a collection of fieldsets, then the button
> should probably be outside.
> If the form is simpler, the fieldset is un-labelled, generically
> labelled, or the only fieldset, then there is no advantage to moving the
> submit button outside of the fieldset.
> Of course, what would be best would be a quick study of what actual
> screen-readers speak in these cases - does the closing of a fieldset
> lead the user to believe that is the end of the form?

If you mean "legend", then I believe its value is spoken before every single
lablel contained in the fieldset.

As a side note, with the markup example given in this thread I don't think a
fieldset is "necessary"; but one of the advantage of using a fieldset rather
than a P or DIV for example is that it creates a new block formatting
context, thus it will "contain" floats.

Thierry | http://www.TJKDesign.com

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