Cole Kuryakin wrote:

> To see it working in FF and IE6 go here:

> In FF and IE 6 this works. But what I'm trying to do, and can't seem to
> accomplish, is to position the BOTTOM of this pop-up UL (rather than the top
> as it is now) so that no matter how many languages the menu contains, it
> still pops-up from the same footer position. As it stands right now, if I
> eliminate one or more languages from this menu I will have to edit the "top"
> property which I'd rather not have to do.

Hi Cole,

I'm on my Ubuntu system at the moment so I can't check IE7, but this
code should allow your menu to be any length and work without having to
adjust it for every entry. Worked on my Firefox 3, but I didn't check
anywhere else.

If you haven't received an answer by later tonight, I'll boot the
Windows Beast and see what's up with IE7.

#navFooter li ul {
        position: absolute;
        left: -10000px;
#navFooter li:hover ul {
        left: -2px;
        bottom: 100%;
        z-index: 100;

Hope it helps.

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Bill Brown, Web Developer - "From dot concept to dot com since 1999"
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a
faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and
has forgotten the gift. -- Albert Einstein

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