Quoting russ - maxdesign <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Most schools around here don't even allow win2k on their network anymore.

An interesting discussion.

Agree that Facebook is an application and not a website - and an absolutely
huge and complex one.

From what I can see, Facebook is doing the right thing...  offering full
support for latest browsers and some support (access to content and key
functions) for older browsers. - along with information about why upgrades
and where to upgrade.

Of more concern is the discussion about simply blocking versions of a
browser (which is nor what Facebook is doing from what I can tell). This is
not a good idea!

Ideally, we should aim to provide support to as many devices as we can -
whether we are building an application or a website. For many reasons:

1. business - can we afford to cut off 10%, 17%, 25% of our audience? While
this number will continue to drop - the number is still high.

2. moral/accessibility - many people who use assistive devices such as JAWS
run on IE6 still due to inability, lack of knowledge of how to upgrade etc.
Do we really want to cut these people off entirely?

The rules are completely different for intranets and closed environments,
but on the web (site or app) we should aim to support everyone - and where
needed, provide a lesser but acceptable experience.

I agree 100% Russ. As a browser vendor we gain to benefit from IE6 being blocked (well except many of these scripts will also block Opera < 9), as it will push users to download new browsers (if your site is important enough), but I, and our company as a whole are wholesale against such browser sniffing practices to block browsers, even if they are capable to render the page. If old browsers are causing too much headache during development time, then I'd recommend the YUI approach of giving th content but not the advanced behaviours or styles. That way the content is still accessible to your (potential) users/customers.


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