I'm making my first steps regarding web accessibility, and today I was
checking the RNIB.org.uk website when I found this news
their blog. I quote:

"John Slatin, a respected member of the web accessibility community and
former chair of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group,
sadly passed away earlier this year leaving behind him the University of
Texas Accessibility Institute<http://www.utexas.edu/research/accessibility/>

Sadly UT want to close the Accessibility Institute which has been a centre
of excellence for research and innovation in web accessibility. This would
be a huge loss to the industry as the Accessibility Institute has
contributed to the furtherance of web accessibility in many ways."

You can read the rest of the news

Sign the petition to save the Accessibility
and tell anyone else who may be interested.

Gonzalo González Mora

PS: Sorry for my English but it's not my native language (I'm from
Argentina), and this is the first discussion I open in the WSG so if I made
any mistakes, please, point them out so that I can avoid them the next time.

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