recently came across something similar, and was able to solve with a combination of display:inline-block; on the <p> and overflow:hidden; on the containing div. Might want to give that a shot.

On Oct 9, 2008, at 3:24 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
Margin is already set to zero.
Removing the padding will fix it, but then there's no padding which defeats the purpose. Remove the p doesn't seem proper practice, and then applying padding to either div footer elements still causes the problem. Its just strange its only a problem with the footer and no other element with rounded corners on my page.

I've come across this IE glitch I just can't find the solution to solve it again.

2008/10/9 Andrew Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I've got a footer with rounded corners.
I have a div.footer_wrap and div.footer for each corner.
The technique worked already with all my other rounder corners.
The only issue appears in the footer, maybe because its the only thing prone to scroll?

Does anyone know what would fix this? I exhausted my self with various solutions.
The live demo is here:

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