I hate to ask another question about JavaScript, but I need help with ONE
more thing, please?

*Using the following JS code in XHTML Transitional:*
function proc()
 var num = document.heartSearch.hsQty.value*8.95;
 document.hSearchoutput.hsTotal.value = r2(num);

function prc2()
 var num = document.youKnow.cutSandHours.value*12.17;
 document.outme.soter.value = r2(num);

function r2(n)
 ans = n * 1000;
 ans = Math.round(ans /10) + "";
 while (ans.length < 3) {ans = "0" + ans;}
 len = ans.length;
 ans = ans.substring(0,len-2) + "." + ans.substring(len-2,len);
 return ans;

*and the following HTML code in XHTML Transitional:*
<div id="oklastone">
<form action="" name="heartSearch">
<select name="hsQty" id="hsQty" onchange="proc()">
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<div id="otherrecal">
<form action="" name="hSearchoutput">
<input type="text" name="hsTotal" id="hsTotal" value="0.00" />
<div id="meinga">
<form action="" name="youKnow">
<select name="cutSandHours" id="cutSandHours" onchange="prc2()">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="6">6</option>
<div id="noca">
<form action="" name="outme">
<input type="text" name="soter" id="soter" value="0.00" />
<div id="costana">
<form action="" name="costAndTtl">
<input type="text" name="TtlCost" />

How would I get the last form to show the SUM of both the id="hsTotal" and
the id="soter" text fields?

Brett P.

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