Just wanted to share this link with everyone as I think it's a potentially useful tool for designers and helps you keep in mind the first impression of your visitors. Lately the list has felt like a help desk, so I hope this will help break up some of that. You can create your own test and send it out to people or help out a designer by taking a random test from the pool and giving anonymous feedback. The software basically shows you a screenshot for 5 seconds and then asks you to record what you remember.

Credit for the link goes to Robert Hoekman, Jr. who shared this site with those of us who attended An Event Apart 2008. He used the site in a real-time example with the audience during his talk.


Curious to hear the thoughts of others, see some tests and/or hear about some tools you use to be a better designer. Happy holidays everyone. Enjoy!


Todd Budnikas
Creative Director

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