> > On 3/2/09 2:02 AM, "Mathew Robertson" <mat...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> > Its been possible to do ARIA style accessibility since about 1995 - its just
> > now that people are starting to care.
> Matt Morgan-May <matt...@adobe.com> wrote:
> Not sure what value you were hoping to add to the conversation, but MSAA,
> the Windows accessibility API, didn't come out until April 1997. And that
> much of what ARIA has to offer is actually enabled by the IAccessible2 or
> User Interface Automation APIs, which are much more recent and
> comprehensive. ARIA is a very ambitious spec, and a number of companies
> contributing to its support in a very short period of time, relative to the
> work that's necessary.
> But, thanks for the cynicism! We don't get enough of that on the Internet
> these days. :)


It was definitly meant as a little cynisism...  I did say "about 1995" - so I 
should have been more specific as to the actual year... so I'll expand my 
sentiment (it might be a little long-winded for some people...).

Firstly, accessibilty is not *just* about being able to keystrokes, as its been 
possible to use braille devices in linux before 1995 (aka Win95 came out that 
year), using a serial console.  Its not just about supporting disability, it 
also represents support for other languages, layouts, and so on.  Indeed as 
someone quite bright wrote (I dont have a link), "making applications more 
accessible, helps not only those that specifically need that extra help, but 
also those that simply make use of those features".

For example: to using a serial console for text display, has been available 
since the first mainframes existed -> so braille devices worked too.  One would 
expect that new user interface paradigms could provide at least a similar 
equivalent -> in browser terms, it should have been possible to navigate with 
keyboard and screen-reader only, and it was (albeit it was quite clunky).

So one variation of accesbility, is to support multiple languages.  Its easy to 
look back with hindsight, but it was pretty apparent that UTF8 and Unicode was 
the direction for accessible language support. This was available from about 
1993 -> the real issue here appers that software vendors chose a different path 
(eg: Java choosing to use double-byte characters), then became committed to it. 
And indeed we now see that braille support has been added to Unicode, abeit 
only recently -> imagine the accessibility support that would currently be 
available, if Win95 had have support unicode natively (font rendering and 
keycode composition) from day dot...

"alt" tags have been available since html 1, with its recommended practise to 
show blank for img's that dont mean anything. "longdesc" has been available 
since html 4 (1998).

Using the tab-key to navigate between elements, has been available in pretty 
much all browsers, for a long time - however it was cumbersome.  However, from 
MSIE 4 (1997), tabindex became available (it took some time longer before 
Netscape had support for tabindex) -> this made it possible to produce decent 
navigation for web pages.

Text language and direction was added in html 4 -> making Hebrew (et. al.) 

Finally, the "keypress" event handler has be around in various incarnations, 
not long afer Javascript was added to browsers.  Its not unreasonable to 
require web developers to acutally use it (as opposed to just relying on 
"click" events).

So basically, the about 1995 is about right, depending on the specific 
technology implementation.

So now a slight rant... I dont understand how:

  <span role="aria-checkbox" ....>

is better than:

  <input type="checkbox" ...>


ARIA is good in that it documents technology, based on best practise -> in 
particular, I like how the accelerator keys are defined, but some things 
appears to be re-inventing stuff that doesn't need it.  In fairness to the ARIA 
working group, I'm bound to have misunderstood the entire accessibility thing, 
so my opinion doesn't really matter.

Mathew Robertson

Note: I only speak English and I dont have a disability (except for maybe my 
mouth...) -> I'm just confident that developers shouldn't make any assumptions 
about how other people interface with technology.

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