Hi All:


I am developing a community calendar that is ran by javascripts that pulls
from database. It has a 3-col layout. I'm aware that javascript-based site
is not the most "accessible" but was the economical option for our
non-profit. I have two questions:


1)    In Safari, the center col is not filling the entire center like it
should on both PC and Mac but all other browsers OK. The floating left and
right sidebars have margins sent while the center col sits relative in the

2)    Since this is a primarily javascript-ran website, can you give me
tips, on how to make it more accessible? I'm not going to do extreme
measures here, but maybe will implement some basics. 


Site: http://www.nvarts.org/demo/index.shtml

CSS: http://www.nvarts.org/demo/styles.css



Thanks for your time!

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