He's not spamming, Krystian...he's blind and having trouble with the updated
validation site he's used to using.  Apparently, it's been changed and
doesn't work
well for the blind anymore.

And I'm sure his replies to responses from this list are slower than for
those who can see,
so chances are, his replies lag behind many responses, making it seem as if
he's ignoring

I won't sit in judgment of a blind person because his participation in the
e" list
isn't up to "standards"...


-----Original Message-----
From: li...@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:li...@webstandardsgroup.org] On
Behalf Of Krystian Szastok
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:21 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] staff page vallidation

What the hell?
Can someone stop this guy from spamming??

I opened my emails today and I had almost the whole first page of
Google spammed by emails from the group, most of them by this one guy,
please do something about this.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Marvin Hunkin <startrekc...@gmail.com>
> hi.
> can you help me out.
> sorry for this.
> marvin.
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> <h1>Joe's Staff Page</h1>
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> <img src="../images/fruit.jpg" alt="Fruit" />
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> <li><a href="recipes.html">Recipes</a></li>
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> <li><a href="credits.html">Credits</a></li>
> <br />
> <br />
> </ul>
> </div>
> <div id="main_content">
> <p>Welcome to Joe's Staff Page. On this page, you will be able to read
> the family business, and the employees who work for Joe Basher.</p>
> <p> <a name="Marvin"> </a> </p>
> <h2>Marvin Hunkin</h2>
> <p> <img src="../images/banana.jpg" alt="Banana Logo"  class="left" /></p>
>  <p> Marvin Hunkin has been working for Joe for five years. He works as
> main information technology consultant.  His role is to make sure that all
> computers, and the network, is working at a maximum efficiency for this
> business. Marvin was working for Internode INC, for twelve months, before
> joining Joe, at his current position   as Senior Information Technology
> Manager. Joe has treated Marvin as a family member, and working closely
> Joe, when related to computer issues in this business. Marvin has earned a
> Bachelor Of Computer Science degree from Flinders University in 2000.</p>
> <p> <a href="#Marvin" target="_top">Top Of Page</a> </p>
> <hr class="clear" />
> <p> <a name="John"> </a> </p>
> <h2>John Smith</h2>
> <p> <img src="../images/cherry.jpg" alt="Cherry Logo"  class="left" /></p>
>  <p> John Smith has been an employee, for Joe, since the very beginning of
> his business, over 30 years ago. John started out of high school, and got
> his first job, as packing fruit and vegetables, for the producers, and
> send to either markets or retaillers for sale of his produce. then John,
> over the years, worked his way, up the business, and for the past five
> years, has been Product Manager, overseing all the production of this
> business, and making sure that the highest quality assurance, is
> for this business. Joe, treats John, as one of the boys, and has implicit
> trust, and treats him like one of the family.</p>
> <p> <a href="#John" target="_top">Top Of Page</a> </p>
> <hr class="clear" />
> <p> <a name="Mark"> </a> </p>
> <h2>Mark Scott</h2>
> <p> <img src="../images/apple-2.jpg" alt="Apple Logo"  class="left" /></p>
>  <p> Mark Scott has just been employed by Joe Basher, and to be his Public
> Relations Manager. His main role, is to field, media inquiries from
> producers, retailers, and other related industries. He previously worked
> Microsoft Australia, and has had previous experience in dealing with
> in the media. He has published a couple of books, on public relations, in
> the media. He has a Bachelor Of Media degree from Monash University in
> Joe, treats, him as his right hand man, and trusts him implicitly. Joe
> treats him as one of the family.</p>
> <p> <a href="#Mark" target="_top">Top Of Page</a> </p>
> <hr class="clear" />
> <p> <a name="Leane"> </a> </p>
> <h2>Leane Jones</h2>
> <p> <img src="../images/lemon-2.jpg" alt="Lemon Logo"  class="left" /></p>
>  <p> Leane Jones has just joined Joe, about six months ago. She is the
> receptionist, when customers ring Joe's Fruit Shop, about fruit and
> vegetable orders. She can then point the customers, to a customer service
> manager, who can then help customers, with their orders. She was,
> as a Administration Officer with Drake Employment, for 12 years. She has a
> Bachelor Of Management, from Deakin University, in 1998. She adds a
> professional, polish, to the business, and a keen, loyal, employee of Joe.
> Joe treats her as one of the family, and has implicit trust in this
> employee. He knows, that she will do a good, professional, job, of being
> main focus, when customers contact Joe at his fruit shop.</p>
> <p> <a href="#Leane" target="_top">Top Of Page</a> </p>
> <hr class="clear" />
> <p> <a name="Sheryl"> </a> </p>
> <h2>Sheryl Johnson</h2>
> <p> <img src="../images/lime-2.jpg" alt="Lime Logo"  class="left" /></p>
>  <p> Sheryl Johnson has joined Joe as his Personal Assistant. Her duties,
> include, arranging all meetings, and appointments, that Joe has with
> suppliers, producers, retailers, for his business. Sheryl has worked
> previously as a Personal Assistant for Lyndsy fox, for over five years.
> has a Bachelor Of Administration degree from Adelaide University. She is a
> valued member of this team. She is dedicated, and a loyal employee. Joe
> treats her as one of the family.</p>
> <p> <a href="#Top" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
> onmouseout="mouseOut()">Top Of Page</a> </p>
> <hr class="clear" />
> <p> <a name="Susan"> </a> </p>
> <h2>Susan Smith</h2>
> <p> <img src="../images/strawberries-2.jpg" alt="Strawberries Logo"
> class="left" /></p>
> <p> Susan Smith has been the accountent for Joe Basher for the past 10
> years. Susan, used to work for Slater And gordan, as the accountant for
> business. Susan has a Bachelor Of Accounting degree from University Of
> Technology, Sydney. Susan, is a hard working, dedicated person, with a
> sense of humour. She does her job, professionally in this business. Joe,
> treats her as one of the family. He values, her expertise, in the area of
> tax, accounting, and paperwork for this business.</p>
> <p> <a href="#Susan" target="_top">Top Of Page</a> </p>
> <hr class="clear" />
> </div>
> <div id="footer">
> <p> <a href="#Top">Top Of Page</a></p>
>    <p>© All Rights Reserved Joe's Fruit Shop PTY. LTD. 2009.</p>
>  </div>
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>  </html>
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Krystian Szastok

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