Why does Google not care about accessibility? Do they believe in
'Accessibility does not matter!' (rather than with ? at the end).
Isn't their behaviour the same as Microsoft's with regards to HTML?
Yes both of those mega-corporations are heavily involved in
'specifying the future HTML standards' in fact Google are 'running'
the HTML5 spec.

GMail has an HTML only version which works OK, while Google calendar
seems to have no alternative - with JS off the tool is totally

I am guessing that Google's GWT Java library is a big reason why their
AJAX tools don't work with JS off, but it's a great example of where
'lack of resources' mean lack of accessibility. By resources I mean:
time, money and skill, as outlined in my article.

Have we concluded on 'reality of today' now, or do we need to continue
down the 'Alice in Wonderland' route?

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 12:15 AM, Thierry Koblentz
<thierry.koble...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 3:46 PM
>> To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
>> Subject: Re: [WSG] Accessibility does not matter!
>> Sorry to ask again, but please explain how the site could be made
> accessible whilst maintaining the same ease of use?
> The same ease of use?!
> Drop the mouse and give it a shot ;)
> Besides that, did you look at the markup?
> Deeply nested tables, DIVs in As... They just don't care.
> --
> Regards,
> Thierry | www.tjkdesign.com
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Jason Grant BSc, MSc
CEO, Flexewebs Ltd.
+44 (0)7748 591 770
Company no.: 5587469


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