> I stated earlier that after I got help on my previous IE6 problem that my
>  div was shifted over to the left in Firefox.
> http://www.jasonbyer.com/dev/new/

1. remove display:inline from #mainContent
2. remove the left margin on the div with no ID (the one that follows
3. use the rule I sent you regarding the 3px gap in IE (* html #leftnav {})
because your "ie_layout.css" file is served to all. 

At this point you should not need any margin, the "main content" should be
displayed next to the sidebar, but if you want to create space between the
two containers, then use a left margin on #mainContent (it has to be greater
than the width of #leftnav)

Because you do not set a left margin on that container there is no IE bug to
fix, hence you can remove display:inline from the sidebar.

www.tjkdesign.com | www.ez-css.org | @thierrykoblentz

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