I'd just discovered that Apple approved Opera Mini browser for iPhone/iPod 
(maybe only available for US Apple Store as of now). 

This is the first time I ever have a firsthand experience browsing web via OM, 
so I am not sure if some of the behaviors I saw only apply to Apple mobile 

A brief explanation on the page that I tested.

(a) a style sheet for all media 

#container {max-width: 40em;min-width: 240px;margin: 10px;}

(b) A style sheet for media queries targeting iPhone, Andriod and I thought OM 
- Special treatment for floated columns to prevent the same classes in the 
handheld file taking over.

(c) A handheld style sheet for older devices
#container {80%}  <-- my thought is  iPhone, Andriod picked up this and ignored 
max/min-widths in (a), I thought OM should do that too, but it doesn't and this 
is the reason  I was seeing below behaviors.

Max-width/min-width declared but not width in (a):

OM doesn't treat Table elements well, at first I thought it was because the 
online emulator doesn't accurately reflect the actual rendering (this is before 
I found out OM for iPhone), but browsing from iPod, I am seeing the same 
behavior.  If width is declared in (a), it will take the width based on the 
total given width (width + paddings + margins) of the #container, and ignores 
the second div (intend to serve as a wrapper for table just for testing 
purpose), so if a layout is 2 columns floated, the table overlaps the right 
column, and from a rough estimation, I believe it inherits the #container {80%} 
in (c) + 10px margin right in (a).

Whether a second div is given or not, OM ignores the width declared if the 
table's width is smaller than the given width of outer div, but if the width is 
wider than the given width of #container, it doesn't ignore. This behavior 
however does not applied to horizontal view though, my guess is  it takes the 
max-width instead.

Max-width/min-width (in (a)), width declared (in (b)):

The same behavior existed if pixel is used in Width (never mind if it's larger 
or smaller than the width declared in #container). With em unit, the behavior 
is gone if the width value is same as max-width, if the width smaller even just 
0.5em, the same rendering comes back.

I see that max/min widths are the supported properties in CSS Mobile Profile 
2.0 so is table elements for XHTML Basic 1.1, it's rather bizarre for OM to 
behavior like that.


Also, If pixel value is used for width, OM loses zooming capability, is it 
because in other mobile devices, they don't have zooming feature?

Devices that is 220px or wider from Adobe Device Central all rendered the table 
correctly, but then I have no knowledge if I can even trust what I see from 
those emulators. I have CS3, so the  devices rendered in ADC CS3 may not be as 
up to date as the CS4 or CS5.

In regard to the poor support of table for mobile devices in general, what do 
you think about the tabular data?  I would love to hear what you guys think. My 
thought is that there are data that are best served in tabular format and from 
semantical point of view  we should never treat tabular data differently just 
for the sake of supporting mobile devices.  


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