> In a recent "links for light reading"  reference was made to a very
> interesting article by Chris Coyier on attribute selectors such as 'rel'.
> At the very basic level, the article exemplifies h1[rel="external"]{color :
> red;} used with the html:
> <h1 rel="external">Attribute Equals</h1>

As others have said, this is an invalid use of rel. We could change
his example from:

<h2 id="first-title" class="magical" rel="friend">David Walsh</h2>


<h2 id="first-title" class="magical friend">David Walsh</h2>

(I'd also get rid of "first-title"...)

That said, attribute selectors are very useful. Think about a form.
Instead of adding a class to all text input boxes, you can style them
with a simple:

input[type="text"] {/* whatever styles */}

For links, how about:

a[href^="http"] {/* links starting with http */}

a[rel] {/* any link with a rel attribute */}


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