On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:52 PM, David Dorward <da...@dorward.me.uk> wrote:
> On 14 Oct 2010, at 17:27, Tom Livingston wrote:
>> Are image maps still ok?
> Still?
> Server side image maps are as inaccessible as ever.
> Client side image maps had issues last time I looked at them, but things 
> might have improved since then.
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/html/mapalt.html is an (oldish) resource which 
> describes some of the issues and ways to work around them.
> --
> David Dorward
> http://dorward.me.uk

When I say "ok" I mean "as OK as they can be". And the question may
have been better as "Does anyone still use image maps?"

Anyway, thanks for the link.


Tom Livingston | Senior Interactive Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com

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