The example below is something I constantly seeing, should have gone testing it 
again making sure my memory is still fresh, but I am a bit lazy right now as I 
haven't had my coffee yet.

"The :first-child pseudo-class represents an element that is the first child of 
some other element.".

I have often used li:first-child or li a:first child in different section of a 
page, why is that I can get the first-child in, say,

#hdr li:first-child
.sidebox li:first-child (and it applies to all sidebox sections)

.sidebox li ol:first-child, #content h2:first-child

In a typical 2 columns layout,  in content area, there are a number of h2 in 
different sections and there is no first-child declared but h2, but I can never 
get h2:first-child works yet #hdr li:first-child and .sidebox li:first-child  
work. This is still a bit confusing, is that means #hdr li:first-child (which 
is not wrapped inside #content) considers the first child of some other element 
for the entire page? If yes, why is that the ".sidebox li ol:first-child" and 
".sidebox li:first-child" still work?


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