> Sorry to rain on the Russ parade, but your example is missing some critical
> elements: scope.
> The th cells define the cell as a header, but we need to say what it is
> heading.
> However I think this would also help to use headers, which lets us define at
> the td level which th cells are important.
> Now that you have a nicely marked up table, add the YUI data table
> javascript for even more accessibility, plus you can sort, stripe, and even
> create a chart from the table.
> http://new.yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/datatable/
> Although it's not as pretty as the excel exported markup :-0

Rain way! all good points  :)

One could argue that another accessibility benefit would be to add a table 
summary - but let's not open that HTML5-induced can off worms!

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