On 03/11/2011 17:52, Stevio wrote:
If I have two floats side by side, both are floated left as follow:


and both contain text as follows:

<div class="myfloat">Longer amount of text. Longer amount of text.
Longer amount of text. Longer amount of text.</div>
<div class="myfloat">Small amount of text.</div>

Is there any way to prevent the second div from dropping below the first
div when the viewport is narrowed, without specifying widths for either
of the floats?

What I would like is for the text in the first div to wrap before the
second float drops below the first. Is this possible without using widths?

Not tested, but I'd start with a min-width:50% (with caveat that if I remember right, IE6 and below doesn't support min/max widths)

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]

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