Hi Greg,

Fedora 21 now cones with: python3-pillow.armv7hl  2.6.2-1.fc21

So, does 2.6.2 work?

I'm not sure as I've upgraded "pillow" using "pip" to 2.7.0.

Today, I did a "yum update" and I now have
dated Apr 15 07:20

"wsjt10" runs fine via RDP session, (headless, there is no Mali driver yet)

Back on Jan 15, there was, when the Banana Pi was loaded, "pillow" 2.6.1.

Keep Smiling


On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 10:50:28 -0600, KI7MT wrote
> Hello All,
> While updating WSJT/WSPR build documentation, I've come full circle 
> on the Python3-Pillow 2.6.1 segfault problem that many have 
> reported. I'm need of assistance in trying to debug / generate a 
> work around, as this has gone well past my level of knowledge with Python.
> This issue affects both Windows and *Nix, but "seems" to be isolated 
> to the Pillow 2.6.1.
> When using Pillow 2.6.1, WSPR and WSJT will both segfault, almost
> immediately, either at decode time for WSPR ( sample *.wav file or T=50
> to 55 of the 2min cycle ) or at the end of the first FSK441 cycle (
> first whole minute? ) with WSJT. Neither application present the 
> issue when using Pillow < or > 2.6.1 on my test distro's.
> I've performed several tests with various versions of Pillow, primarily
> on Linux. On my Ubuntu based installs, after installing JTSDK Nix, those
> distros using python3-pil 2.6.1 ( Ubuntu 14.10, Debian Jessie for
> example ) will build correctly but fail as above.
> Removing python3-pil and python3-pil.imagetk, installing the required
> build dependencies:
> libtiff4-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev
> libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev
> then installing ( via pip3 ) Pillow==2.5.3, ==2.7.0 or ==2.8.1 ( the
> latest Pillow release ), neither WSJT nor WSPR present the segfault.
> At this point, I would think the import instructions in WSPR.py an
> WSJT.py are OK, but I don't know where or how to take this any further.
> Without getting this resolved, we will not be able to update WSJT / WSPR
> in any distro using Pillow 2.6.1 as the default package (Ubuntu 14.10
> and Debian Jessie at present ). I believe there are Fedora based distros
> also using Pillow-2.6.1, but I am not as familiar with their package
> structures, so I cannot say for sure which ones.
> Any input or debugging suggestions would be much appreciated.
> 73's
> Greg, KI7MT
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