I attach a .diff file that fixes the “GrayLineDuration not remembered on 
startup” problem. 

Steve k9an

Attachment: k9an_150528_patch.diff
Description: Binary data

> On May 27, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Steven Franke <s.j.fra...@icloud.com> wrote:
> I have been running an instance nonstop for several days. I haven’t seen any 
> failures to transmit. In fact, my complaint is the opposite! This morning, 
> after running all night with TX percentage set to 25%, I noticed that it had 
> done seven (!) successive transmissions at some point overnight!  
> Before I forget, a couple of other comments/questions about WSPR in WSJT-X:
> 1. GrayLineDuration is not remembered on startup. 
> 2. Any objections to merging in Bill’s patch that makes the transmit 
> frequency passed to the Modulator a real number?
> 3. Any objections to making the TX frequency spin box accept a float so that 
> the user can correct for TX sound card offsets there? I would like to be able 
> to enter, say, 1569.9 Hz...
> Steve k9an
>> On May 27, 2015, at 4:15 PM, Joe Taylor <j...@princeton.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> I have not answered your queries about failure to transmit in WSPR mode 
>> because so far I have not been able to reproduce the problem.
>> As reported here a number of times, I (and a number of others) have been 
>> happily WSPRing with WSJT-X v1.6 for about two weeks.  I've observed no 
>> reluctance of the program to transmit.
>> Can you provide details on exactly what you are doing, and how you are 
>> configured?
>>              -- Joe, K1JT
>> On 5/27/2015 3:10 PM, Eric NO3M wrote:
>>> Appears the problem is stemming from mainwindow.cpp, start line +1849
>>> (MainWindow::guiUpdate()):
>>>       if((m_auto and (m_pctx>0) and (m_txNext or ((m_nrx<=0) and
>>>                        (m_ntr!=-1)))) or ((m_auto and (m_pctx==100)))) {
>>> some condition is failing to satisfy the above, so a TX cycle is never
>>> entered.   m_nrx is continuously decrementing (Status bar showing
>>> "Receiving -2586" after a while).  Since:
>>>  m_auto and (m_pctx==100)
>>> look to be grouped exclusive of the rest of the conditional, perhaps
>>> m_auto is perpetually false, because m_pctx has been set to 100 in my
>>> running instance and a TX cycle still never fires off.  Haven't traced
>>> out all the instances of m_auto to see where it is being set true/false yet.
>>> BTW, this is with the latest SVN on the main dev branch since the _exp
>>> branch was merged per Bills' post.
>>> 73 Eric NO3M
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