
> On Jul 23, 2015, at 5:16 AM, Bill Somerville <> wrote:
> On 23/07/2015 03:13, Steven Franke wrote:
>> Hi all,
> Hi Steve,
>> While playing with an alternative to the Fano decoder over here I discovered 
>> that using -O3 -ffast-math significantly decreases execution time of the 
>> decoder on my linux and OS X platforms. Near as I can tell, cmake is 
>> currently using -O2 for Debug and -O3 for Release versions. I need advice on 
>> the right way to modify CMakeLists.txt to make sure that (only) the wsprd 
>> sources are compiled with -O3 -ffast-math.
> Only release code should be optimized as debugging optimized code is 
> problematic.
> I'm not sure I fully understand your question, if release code is 
> optimized to -O3 already what are you asking?
> We take the CMake defaults for optimization, that means -O3 for release 
> code when using gcc/g++ or Clang/Clang++.
> If you are asking how to enable -ffast-math for wsprd code then I need 
> to do some checks to ensure that the generated code is portable i.e. is 
> code generated with fast-math OK to distribute for running on a 
> different CPU from which it is compiled. I think it is but I want to be 
> sure. Also IIRC in the past I have found that code where NaN or other 
> special floating point values are not correctly handled can cause big 
> slowdowns so it is also worth checking that FP variables are correctly 
> initialized where FP operations may be applied before valid values are 
> assigned. For example this can happen when dealing with arrays of values 
> when a generic algorithm is applied to a whole array but only some of 
> the array is used. The slowdown happens in routines, probably library 
> routines, where FP exceptions are trapped and handled which is a very 
> slow path.

Thanks for the interesting background.  In view of the potential complications, 
it’s probably not worth bothering with it then. Using -ffast-math decreases 
execution time by about 25% on my I7/SSD laptop where it doesn’t really matter 
because the decoder is plenty fast. On a RaspberryPi where a speedup would 
really be noticed I found (just tonight) that there is no benefit at all from 

Never mind...

> To change the compiler options for a specific target you use the 
> target_compile_options() command for example:
> target_compile_options (wsprd PRIVATE -ffast-math)
> Note that this is problematic if we wish to support compilers other than 
> gcc/clang since the -ffast-math option is not necessarily supported by 
> other compilers. The target_compile_options() command supports CMake 
> generator expressions to deal with this sort of issue. Currently there 
> are other parts of the CMake script that are not compiler agnostic but I 
> am wary of adding yet more potential issues. So a more proper command 
> would be:
> target_compile_options (wsprd PRIVATE 
> "$<$<OR:$<C_COMPILER_ID:GNU>,$<C_COMPILER_ID:Clang>>:-ffast-math>”)

This is what I was looking for. 

>> Steve k9an
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.
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