On 04/10/2015 23:15, Steven Franke wrote:

Hi Steve,
> For OS X users:
> I found an answer on to the problem of not being able to get cmake to 
> configure wsjtx_exp after installing Xcode 7.0 on OS X 10.10.5. Xcode 7’s 
> internal SDK is for 10.11, not 10.10. I am running 10.10, so this causes some 
> kind of conflict. The problem is described here on the Apple Developer forum 
> (you may need to log in):
> https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/51754#51754
Xcode 7 ships with the 10.11 SDK, possibly 10.10 too, but our build 
defaults to look for the 10.9 SDK which is the oldest one that works for 
us. You can override the SDK used in the WSJT-X build.
> Adding these to the cmake configuration command did the trick:
The above should not be necessary, the default of supporting back to 
10.7 should be fine and it is what Qt does in their build so we default 
to the same.
This is the one you need to change but using '/' is not really correct, 
I believe it uses the Xcode default if the path is not correct. You 
should really use:



>> On Oct 4, 2015, at 2:35 PM, Steven Franke <s.j.fra...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> I’ve managed to break my OS X development environment, probably because I 
>> updated to Xcode v7.0 and then updated Macports. I should know better by now…
>> It appears that the linker is not finding a library, libSystem. I checked, 
>> and I find a “libSystem.tbd” in the path:
>> /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.11.sdk/usr/lib
>> But I don’t recognize the suffix, “.tbd”.
>> I’ve attached the CMakeError.log. Any hints would be most appreciated.
>> Steve k9an

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