blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px 
#715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white 
!important; }  Hi Bill,
Thanks for the reply and the explanation of the decode process. This was very 
interesting; it did, however, make me wonder what was happening on my system. 
Before sending my initial email on this, I had watched my decode displays over 
several lengthy sessions and it didn't correlate with the information you gave. 
I had no interspersed JT9 and JT65 decodes displayed, nor was the station on my 
RX frequency dumped out into the rightmost box until it was his "turn" over on 
the left side. Very strange.
But....... by the time I got to reading your reply, I had shut down WSJT-X and 
restarted it. After doing this, everything went exactly as your description 
said it would. I can only guess as to what had been going on before the 
restart. One thing I can tell though, I had WSJT-X up and running for several 
days without a restart. And, during that time I had jumped back and forth 
between WSPR-2 and JT65/JT9 mode quite often. That is my normal mode of 
operating. If I'm going to be away from the radio for any length of time, I put 
it into WSPR-2 mode and let it do the RX/TX thing. Then, when I return, I go 
back to JT mode and operate. Is it possible that somehow this back and forth 
procedure introduced something that made the software think I was NOT operating 
on a multi-thread processor?
At any rate, I will keep my eye on things. If I see it start doing what it had 
been doing previously, will restart the application.
Thanks & 73, Jim / W6JHB

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Saturday, June 25, 2016, 1:14 PM, Bill Somerville <> 

On 25/06/2016 20:54, Jim Bennett wrote:
> Now, what is my suggestion? How about if during the decode pass, that 
> a signal decoded within +- a few Hertz of the operator's current 
> receive frequency is the FIRST thing sent out to the decode display 
> window? That would give the operator of the RPi (or any other "slow" 
> processor) enough time to decide if his next transmission should be 
> aborted or proceed as normal. If the "decode code" would look to see 
> if (1) the Enable TX is turned on, and (2) there is a signal very 
> close to the receive frequency, dump it out to the display first. Now 
> THAT would be cool... :-)

Hi Jim,

the way the decoding is done is not quite as you describe. We are very 
aware that not all CPUs are fast enough to decode signals on an HF band 
as fast as users would like. The first thing that is done is that the 
decoder concentrates on a small window around the DF of the Rx cursor 
and will always decode a detectable signal in that window first. This 
ensures that once you are in a QSO or simply have clicked on the 
waterfall or an interesting signal or double clicked a decode you are 
interested in; then an attempt to decode that signal is completed before 
anything else.

When running JT9+JT65 mode there is another strategy employed as well if 
you CPU has multiple processing threads available, the two modes are 
decoded in parallel each utilizing a different CPU core. If you are 
seeing one mode *always* decoded before the other then either you do not 
have a multi threaded CPU or you have the settings such that one mode is 
taking much longer to process. If you are seeing *any* interleaved 
decodes (between the two modes) then you definitely have a multi 
threaded CPU. Things that can slow down decoding of a mode include: 
having the JT9 separator (blue line) set too low - this will slow down 
JT9 decodes because JT65 signals in the JT9 decoder passband slow down 
the JT9 decoder a lot. For JT65, with the latest decoder, you have 
control of the effort applied to try and decode detected signals - in 
"Settings->Advanced" you can adjust the "Random erasure patterns" spin 
box. This control can be set as high as 7 or 8 on fast CPUs but if you 
have a slow processor try lower levels for much snappier decoding. Lower 
values will reduce the effective sensitivity of the decoder but the 
difference in number of decodes is probably going to be very very small 
compared to the potential time savings.

If nothing above helps with your situation then your best strategy is to 
use single mode but that is unlikely if you CPU is multi thread capable 
- which yours is.


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